吳世欣 副教授

最高學歷: 中興大學生物科技研究所博士
現任經歷: 慈濟大學醫學科學研究所副教授
研究領域: 1. 基因多型性與疾病之關聯性研究, 2. 藥物遺傳學
電話:03-8565301 分機 2014/2017
電子信箱: lshwu@mail.tcu.edu.tw











慈濟大學 TCMRC-P-99016 基質的金屬蛋白酵素基因多型性與前列腺癌荷爾蒙治療效果之關聯性研究




慈濟基金會 TCRPP100009 肺結核第一線用藥用藥Isoniazid, Rifampin與Pyrazinamide引發肝毒性與GSTM1, GSTT1與CYPs基因多型性之關聯性研究




行政院國家科學委員會 NSC 100-2314-B-320-005 台灣族群Cys-loop family ligand-gatedion channels基因多型性與酒癮之關連性研究




行政院衛生署 DOH101-TD-PB-111-TM014 應用基因多型性預測肺結核患者用藥引發肝毒




行政院國家科學委員會 NSC 102-2314-B-320-002 在酒癮研究16年追蹤世代樣本中,尋找與酒癮症狀相關或長期酒精使用下周邊血球DNA甲基化的變化




1. Chen PJ, Hwang Y, Lin CGJ, Wu YJ, Wu LSH* (2008) The genetic differences with whole genome linkage disequilibrium mapping between responder and non-responder in interferon a and ribavirin combined therapy for chronic hepatitis C patients. Inter J Immunogenet 35:153-157. (SCI)

2. Shyur SD, Wang JY, Lin CGJ, Hsiao YH, Liou YH, Wu YJ, Wu LSH*. (2008) The Polymorphisms of Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatase Receptor-type Delta (PTPRD) gene and its association with pediatric asthma in Taiwanese population. Eur J Hum Genet 16: 1283-1288.(SCI)

3. Lee SW, Wang JY, Hsieh YC, Wu YJ, Ding HW, Wu LSH*. (2008) Single nucleotide polymorphisms of MD-1 gene associated with pediatric and adult asthma in Taiwanese population. J Micorbiol Immunol Infect 41: 445-449.

4. Loh, EW*, Tzeng RF, Liu SI, Wu, LSH, Chen ST, Yu YH, Li PC, Chern SR, Lee PY, Lan TH. (2008) High proportion of single CYP2D6 gene deletion in Chinese attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder children and its risk in oppositional defiant disorder. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 62:749. (SCI)

5. Wang JY, Liou YH, Wu YJ, Hsiao YH, Wu LSH*. (2009) An association study of 13 SNPs from 7 candidate genes with pediatric asthma in Taiwanese population. Journal of Clinical Immunology 29:205-209.(SCI)

6. Wang JY, Shyur SD, Wang WH, Liou YH, Lin CGJ, Wu YJ, Wu LSH*. (2009) The polymorphisms of interleukin 17A (IL-17A) gene and its association with pediatric asthma in Taiwanese population. Allergy 64: 1056-1060.(SCI)

7. Tsai TF, Yang CH, Chu CY, Liou YH, Hsiao WC, Lin CT, Wu LSH*. (2009) Polymorphisms of MTHFR gene associated with livedoid vasculopathy in Taiwanese population. J Dermatol Sci 54: 214-216.(SCI)

8. Lin E, Pei D, Hung YJ, Wu LSH*. (2009) Gene-gene interactions among genetic variants from obesity candidate genes for non-obese and obese populations in type 2 diabetes. Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers13:485-493 (SCI)

9. Wu LSH, Hsieh CH, Pei D, Hung YJ, Kuo SW, Lin E*. (2009) Association and interaction analyses of genetic variants in ADIPOQ, ENPP1, GHSR, PPARg, and TCF7L2 genes for diabetic nephropathy in a Taiwanese population with type 2 diabetes. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation24:3360-3366 (SCI)

10. Hsiao TJ#, Wu LSH#, Huang SY, Lin E*. (2009) Weight loss and body fat reduction under sibutramine therapy in obesity with the C825T polymorphism in the guanine nucleotide binding protein beta polypeptide 3 gene.Pharmacogenetics and Genomics 19:730-733. (# These authors contributed equally to this work) (SCI)

11. Lin E, Lin CGJ, Wang JY, Wu LSH*. (2009) Gene-gene interactions among genetic variants from seven candidate genes with pediatric asthma in Taiwanese population. Current Topics in Genetics 3:83-88.

12. Hsiao TJ, Wu LSH, Hwang Y, Huang SY, Lin E*. (2010) The Common G-866A Polymorphism of the Uncoupling Protein 2 Gene on Weight Loss under Sibutramine Therapy in an Obese Taiwanese Population. Mol Diagn Ther14: 101-106. (SCI)

13. Lee SW, Chung LSC, Huang HH, Chuang TY, Liou YH, Wu LSH*. (2010) Polymorphisms of N-Acetyltransferase 2 and cytochrome P450 2E1 and the susceptibility to first-line antituberculosis drug-induced hepatitis. Inter J Tuber Lung Dis 14: 622-626. (SCI)

14. Wang JY, Lin CC, Lin CGJ, Hsiao YH, Wu LSH*. (2010) Polymorphisms of Interleukin 7 Receptor Associated with Mite-Sensitive Allergic Children with Asthma in Taiwan. Tzu Chi Medical Journal 22:18-23.

15. Pei D, Huang YJ, Hsieh CH, Kuo SW, Liou YH, Wu LSH*(2010) The genetic background difference between diabetic patients with and without nephropathy in Taiwanese population by linkage disequilibrium mapping using 382 autosomal STR markers. Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers 14: 433-438. (SCI)

16. Lin CC, Wu CT, Wu LSH* (2011) Ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 (ENPP1) K173Q polymorphism is associated with diabetic nephropathy in the Taiwanese population. Genetic Testing and Molecular Biomarkers 15: 239-242. (SCI)

17. Wang CH, Liu BJ, Wu LSH*. (2012) The Association Forecasting of 13 Variants within Seven Asthma Susceptibility Genes on 3 Serum IgE Groups in Taiwanese Population by Integrating of Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) and Classification Analysis Methods. J Med Sys 36:175-185. (SCI)

18. Wu LSH, Sjakste T, Sakalauskas R, Sitkauskiene B, Paramonova N, Gasiuniene E, Jan RL, Wang JY* (2012) The Burden of Allergic Asthma in Children: A Landscape Comparison Based on Data from Lithuanian, Latvian and Taiwanese populations. Pediatrics and Neonatology 53(5):276-82. (SCI)

19. Chen CH, Lee CS, Lee MTM, Ouyang, WC, Chen CC, Chong MY, Wu JY, Tan HKL, Lee YC, Chuo LJ, Chiu NY, Tsang HY, Chang TJ, Lung FW, Chiu CH, Cheng-Ho Chang CH, Chen YS, Hou YM, Chen CC, Lai TJ, Tung CL, Chen CY, Lane HY, Su TP, Feng J, Lin JJ, Chang CJ, Teng PR, Liu CY, Chen CK, Liu IC, Chen JJ, Lu T, Fan CC, Wu CK, Li CF, Wang KHT, Wu LSH, Peng HL, Chang CP, Lu LS, Chen YT, Cheng ATA*. (2013) Variant GADL1 and Response to Lithium Prophylaxis in Bipolar I Disorder. New England Journal of Medicine 370(2):119-28. (SCI)

20. Wang TS, Chiu HY, Wu LSH, Chu CY, Tsai TF* (2013) Correlation of thiopurine methyltransferase and inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase polymorphisms and adverse effects induced by azathioprine treatment in Taiwanese dermatology patients. Dermatologica Sinica (accepted)

21. Lee SW, Chuang TY, Huang HH, Lee KF, Chen TTW, Kao YH, Wu LSH* (2014) Interferon gamma polymorphisms associated with susceptibility to tuberculosis in a Han Taiwanese population. Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection. (SCI)

22.(2014)SNP rs4331426 in 18q11.2 is associated with susceptibility to tuberculosis among female Han Taiwanese.Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection.(accepted)(SCI)

23.Lee KF,Chen YC,Hsu P,Liu IY,Wu LSH*.(2014)MicroRNA expression profiling altered by variant dosage of radiation exposure.BioMed Research International,2014:456323-456323.(SCI)

24.Lin CC,Lee, KF,Hsieh TC,Wu CT,Wu LSH*.(2014)CREB-regulated transcription coactivator 3 (CRTC3) polymorphism associated with type II diabetes and hyperlipidemia in the Taiwanese. population.Tzu Chi Medical Journal,26:114-118.

25.(2014)Gene expression profiling of biological pathway alterations by radiation exposure.BioMed Research International.(accepted)(SCI)

26.(2014)Systematic expression profiling analysis identifies specific microRNA-gene interactions that may differentiate between active and latent tuberculosis infection.BioMed Research International.(accepted)(SCI)

27.(2014)The polymorphisms of EHF-ELF5 genomic region and its association with pediatric asthma in the Taiwanese population.Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection.(accepted)(SCI)

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